I'm Here to Help...
I guarantee my images and my customer service. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Send me a note or call. I’m excited to work with you.
Hello, my name is Dennis Crow. I am the illustrator of every image on this site.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or problems you may have regarding my images. I strive to make all of my artwork clean and very easy to edit. If for some reason you are having issues with any of my images please contact me and I will solve the problem for you.
Thank you,
Dennis Crow – Owner | Illustrator
Chroma Apparel Inc 1-800-315-9411
crowvb (at) gmail (dot) com
Problems and Frequent Questions
Question: I am getting a error message when I try to download the files?
Answer: Please note: This site should not be affected by the following issues. However, sometimes things just don’t work correctly.
In this circumstance I will email you your files directly. A few years ago a software update broke the download links on some of my sites. I am working on fixing those broken links and most of them have been addressed. However, some of the image have not been fixed yet or were overlooked. I am watching all orders and if your links are broken I try to get your files to you asap. Usually that is less than 1 hour from when you ordered. Obviously overnight orders may take until the next morning but I try to address this as quickly as possible. If you do not get your files within an hour or first thing (Colorado time) the next morning, something is wrong! Send me a note and I will solve it!
Question: Which Formats do you offer?
Answer: Over time I have added more and more formats to my image downloads. My newest images come in AI, EPS, JPG, PNG, and SVG. However, older images on this site may not download with all of those options. If you need a format that didn’t come with your download just send me a note. I will make the format for you and email it to you.
Question: I am having issues with the file opening in Corel Draw. Are there secrets?
Answer: Since all of my images are originally created in Adobe Illustrator occasionally there are some compatibility issues with Corel. I save my images back to much, much, older versions to try to alleviate most of these issues but there are some things you can do to help further eliminate some of these issues.
1) Instead of double clicking, opening, or dragging the eps file into Corel Draw try the “import” function. When you import into Corel, it will give you import options. Select “import as editable” and check mark “curves”.
2) While I am not well versed in Corel Draw I have compiled as much information as I can find to help resolve compatibility issues. You can find suggestions for Adobe Illustrator to Corel Draw Compatibility Problems here.
3) If you are still having problems contact me and I will do my best to solve your issues for you.
Question – My download worked but when I open the file in Corel Draw the colors are not editable.
Answer- You probably need a file in an older .eps format. Contact me and I will send you the appropriate file version.
Question: Which Formats do you offer?
A: Over time I have added more and more formats to my image downloads. My newest images come in AI, EPS, JPG, PNG, and SVG. However, older images on this site may not download with all of those options. If you need a format that didn’t come with your download just send me a note. I will make the format for you and email it to you.
Q- I have sent you a message but not received a response.
A- I take pride in my customer service. I try to respond to every inquiry within a few hours. If you have not received a response within 24 hours there is a problem and I did not get your message. Please call the number above or send another e-mail.